Weekend Rental

#90 - The Gamers Start To Unravel

We share our Christmas additions, how kids and controllers don't mix, and how a cute game can unravel a family.

#89 - The Gamers Are Filthy Animals

We're talking nacho mods, COVID: the hookie players dream, and Robin Williams' Christmas features.

#88 - The Gamers Link It Together

It's been a month, new consoles, new babies, and black friday have happened. But we just get nostalgic for Zelda and The Simpsons.

#87 - The Gamers Drone On

It's the Gamers but from the far flung past living in the previous generation. We recount our old Youtube careers and the epic battle of drone vs pole.

#86 - The Gamers Chat with Patrick Hickey Jr.

The Gamers have an uplifting talk with Patrick Hickey Jr. Whether it's his books on gaming history, his voiceover work, or his extensive content on ReviewFix.com we ponder how the guy does it all. You can find Patrick's books at his website patrickhickeyjr.com and always have something new to read at reviewfix.com or an even more constant feed at https://www.instagram.com/patrickhickeyjr

#85 - The Gamers Have a Jurassic Problem

We try to make sense of a Monster Hunter movie, go spelunking in the Crystal Caves, and could start our own Jurassic (toy) Park.

#84 - The Gamers Quest for NES

We've got some takes on Minecraft in Smash Bros., The Nintendo Quest doc, and get nostalgic for the retro Youtube scene.

#83 - The Gamers Learn To Tuck

We are balls to the walls in this episode! A game hunting adventure highlights the show on top of a flood of big gaming news.

#82 - The Gamers Go Pro

We subject ourselves to the early 90's cartoon "Pro Stars", rip Mario 3D All Stars a new one, and then discuss an even worse game starring a plumber.

#81 - The Gamers Take To The Skies

We take flight in airplanes and skateboards, find the dark side of Darksiders, and sabotage recommendation algorithms.
2022 Weekend Rental Podcast